What is a truffle

It is an underground fungus, meaning it is born and grows underground.

There is an ancient legend that states that it is thunder and lightning that generates truffles. In fact this only slightly deviates from the scientific reality.  Lightning generally hits trees very rich in water such as oak, which is the “commensal tree” preferred by truffles. Like mushrooms, truffles live in symbiosis with trees, drawing nourishment from them and returning water and minerals to the plant.

The truffle is made up of an outer bark of the pridio and a fleshy inner mass called the gleba. There are various types of truffles. Taste them all to find out which one is your favorite!

How do you conserve truffles?

  • In the refrigerator inside a glass or plastic container, wrapped in absorbent paper for a maximum of 10 days (black truffle) and 5 days (white truffle).
  • By changing the absorbent paper every day, the truffle will be protected from humidity and will keep longer.

How do you use truffles?

  • Brush the truffle delicately with a toothbrush under cold running water to remove soil residue.
  • It does not need to be peeled, the peel is an integral part of the truffle.
  • The peel of the white truffle is more delicate than that of the black truffle, therefore it requires more delicacy during cleaning.

Bianchetto or Marzuolo truffle

Harvest period: approximately from January 15 to April 30.

Tasting notes: The peridium is smooth and the color varies between white ocher and dark or very dark orange. The gleba, which is initially whitish, takes on a reddish brown color with maturation; it has rather wide, sparse, branched and whitish veins which then darken with the passage of time. The scent is penetrating and reminds of garlic.

Pregiato or di Norcia Black Truffle

Harvest period: from November 15 to March 15 (always based on regional calendars)

Tasting notes: The peridium appears as a black warty surface, with small reddish areas if the product is immature. The gleba is black/brown with slight whitish very dense veins. The scent is aromatic, not too pungent and the flavor is delicate.

Habitat: Widely diffused in the Central Apennines, Piedmont and Veneto. It can be grown in suitable soils specially reforested with particular tree species.

White or Trifola Truffle

Harvest period: approximately October 1 until December 31 (these dates depend on regional regulations and vary from year to year).

Tasting notes: Smooth surface of ocher yellow or olive yellow color. The internal pulp is yellowish white with brownish shades that vary depending on the maturation, the type of soil and the plant with which it lives in symbiosis: for example the truffles that are born near an oak have a nut-colored gleba, while those that grow near beech trees are more reddish. It has a particularly pronounced and characteristic scent.

Habitat: It is widespread but found mostly in Umbria, Piedmont, Tuscany and Marche.

Summer Truffle

Harvest period: from June 1 to August 31.

Tasting notes: The peridium has a black color, with large protruding warts, which make it typical. The gleba is hazelnut in color with numerous whitish veins, more or less thin. The scent is more delicate than that of tall truffles and the flavor is reminiscent of porcini mushrooms.

Discover the variety of our truffle products